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Package selection


300 emails/month
10 emails/day
0 €/month

Up to 300 emails per month for free!

This package is for you to test our service. But if you think it is enough for you, you can use it for the rest of your life without any costs.


5,000 emails/month
20 €/month

Up to 5,000 emails per month, no daily limit.

This package is perfect for people who just get started sending mailing and/or newsletters and don't have too many recipients yet.


100,000 emails/month
300 €/month

Up to 100,000 emails per month, no daily limit.

Every business grows, and therefore this package should keep you going if you grow out of 25,000 mailings/newsletters per month.


More than 100,000 emails per month.
Please contact us first for an individual offer.

Offer number:

Switching the package is possible at any time, but you can only switch to a package whose limit has not already been exceeded.

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